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Recruit support to get MOVING

Laura Wilkerson

Everyday is different. You may be excited to get your movement in one day and dreading it the next. During these times use the tool of recruiting support to help you get your movement in. It might be as small as just talking to someone to clear your mind and focus on your training. It might be shouting out on social media your excitement/frustration. It might be finding that person to train right along side you.

Find that support and use it!

Today was the start of week 2 and I had a 45 minute run scheduled. 😳

Last Monday I was supposed to run for 35 minutes and I only made it 25. Needless to say I was feeling overwhelmed and I really wanted to skip it. After talking about it with my husband he said “no excuses, get it in.” He was right and I needed that push. But I need a running buddy.

Check out the video below to see who I recruited to get my #movement in and our results.

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